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The solution to the new cookieless environment

Written by Adglow | Jun 19, 2021 9:58:30 AM

No more “third-party” cookies.  Shall we review what this means and how these changes are going to affect users and advertisers?

Let's start at the beginning with cookies.  As you already know third-party cookies are tracking codes, generated on a website that is not yours, which are installed on your computer when you visit a website.  When a user visits your website, or any other website, third-party cookies track that information and send it to the third party that generated the cookie which is usually an advertising platform.  This is where everything is going to change.

This code helps brands and advertisers considerably because it helps to understand the users’ behavior, their interests, and their purchasing habits among other things.  Consequently, it really serves to personalize advertising and impact those who may be genuinely interested in your content.

So, what does the disappearance of third-party cookies mean?

In January 2020 Google announced its plans to gradually eliminate support for third-party cookies in Chrome within two years.  This means that the main browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari will have blocked the use of third-party cookies within a few months.

This is not the only news that has been announced within the cookieless environment.  In addition, Apple has launched its iOS 14.5 operating system.  This update alerts the user each time they open an app that uses cookies to track their interests.  It is the user who decides to give permission to track or not.

So, as an advertiser, what are the main drawbacks of this change?

Not adapting to these changes and dealing with this new environment means:

  • No longer being able to measure user activity
  • Losing visibility in conversions and other interactions
  • Not being able to generate audiences for your campaigns

Don’t Panic!

Although it seems like a dramatic change for the digital advertising ecosystem, and it is, Adglow has been working on finding a proper solution and the right tools for this new reality from day one.

How can Adglow help you deal with this new reality?

As a Facebook Marketing Partner, we have been preparing solutions that fit the needs of each advertiser for several months.  These solutions, developed side-by-side with the Facebook engineering team, cover all aspects related to the paradigm shift in measurement.

Thanks to our proprietary technological development, we create added value to the standard solutions and guarantee proven results in our clients’ processes. 

Adglow is a leader in the market.  This enables us to have global knowledge about the new cookieless environment and expertly trained teams that are accustomed to modifying these processes.

If I don’t start now, what could happen?

It’s a lose-lose situation.  On one hand you will lose access to data, and on the other hand you won’t be able to take advantage of the potential benefits either.  Let us explain:


  • You’ll no longer know which Facebook users have been surfing your web
  • You won’t be able to create inclusion or exclusion audiences
  • You’ll stop seeing conversions
  • You wont’ be able to optimize conversion campaigns
  • You won’t know your campaign ROAS

Missed Opportunities:

  • Freedom from pixel blockers
  • Owning all the data generated by the traffic on your web
  • Using the data for your own cross-channel purposes

Reload by Adglow:  Five ways to deal with the paradigm shift

Reload by Adglow is the service we have created so that the issue is not overwhelming and you can leave the solution in the hands of experts.  The contact form at the end of this post is the first step to helping you adapt to the cookieless world. 

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change"