This Wednesday, May 17, World Internet Day is celebrated. For this reason, from Adglow, we wanted to analyse this reality and the new uses that we give in our country.
In Spain, more than 31 million people over 10 years of age use the Internet, of which 23 million (16 to 74 years) are connected daily, according to the last Survey from ONTSI.
More and more users are recurring in this channel: according to the latest data published in the 19th Navegantes Study on the Web, carried out by AIMC, 90.1% of users in Spain connect several times a day to the Internet..
40% of Spaniards spend more than 3 hours connected to the Internet in their free time, which is a figure of 13 million intensive users in our country. And 14% of Internet users spend more than five hours a day connected, according to Nominalia.
The dependence is so strong that 76.4% of users would find it difficult to have to live without Internet and 45% believe that they could not live without Internet on the mobile, according to AIMC data.
The use of social networks is one of the activities most carried out by users in the network: in Spain, 86% of Internet users aged 16-65 use social networks, representing a 5% increase over last year , According to the results of the latest IAB Annual Social Media Study, sponsored by Adglow.
Social networks have become a perfect channel of connection between users and brands: 83% of users follow a brand in social networks. These platforms are among the favorites of Internet users as sources of consultation when making their purchases online.
Ecommerce also benefits from the consolidation of these habits: in our country, 90% of Internet users have already made some purchase over the Internet in the last year.
52% of users report having been influenced by social networks in their online purchases. The purchase and sale of second hand products through the Internet has increased exponentially in just two years.
As for the preferred devices to connect, the smartphone are the main device to access the Internet, 94.6% compared to 64% five years ago, followed by the laptop (73.6%) and the desktop computer (67.5%).
The tablet (56.9%) has suffered a setback for the first time and televisions with Internet access (29.6%) have doubled their use in three years. We also access the Internet through videogame consoles (18.5%) and smartwatches (6.2%), which have almost doubled their penetration in just one year.
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